Stress Management


Stress is caused by being ‘here’ but wanting to be ‘there’. 

-Eckhart Tolle

What impact is stress having on your life, your health? The goal of this workshop is to gain more understanding about the impact of stress and explore some simple techniques to slow down and reduce your stress level.

Course content can be custom-designed to meet your timeline and needs from topics such as:

  • What is stress? When is it positive? When is it negative?
  • The body’s stress response
  • Stress warning signs and symptoms – Cognitive, Emotional, Physical, and Behavioural
  • Effects of chronic stress
  • Stages of stress
  • Common stressors
  • Self-assessment of what stressors are impacting you and your life
  • Ways to calm – finding the relaxation technique that is best for you
  • Self-talk or the internal voice, often critical
  • Ways to release the pressure
  • Preventing stress
  • Taking action & contingency planning



The learning environment includes instruction, exercises, small and large group discussions, and lots of hands-on practice. My goal is to help you develop your skills and sense of confidence.


*Note: I am also a certified personal coach with experience working with individuals on this topic. I can work with you one-on-one to learn and practice these skills in a confidential setting.